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for tomorrow’s organizations, teams and personalities

We offer tailor-made programs for your organization, your management team and leaders. We distinguish between three aspects of leadership development:

  1. The organization: working on leadership culture.
  2. The team: developing the leadership team.
  3. The personality: developing individual leadership skills.

In a non-binding initial meeting, we discuss where you stand as an organization, where your management team and where individuals stand. And then offer you possible learning paths: individual development paths for individual managers in individual or group coaching, the accompaniment of entire management teams through a jointly defined learning space through to cultural development as a normative target development process, from which principles of action for the next level of leadership are established for the entire organization.

We understand the development of an effective program as a co-creative process: instead of standard solutions, we work along an agile approach: first we try to understand the issue that you want to address with leadership development. From this understanding, we derive an initial prototype for a program and use it to create resonance. Together with the leadership system – all or selected individuals – we develop a program over several iterations that really suits you.

In the individual program steps, we follow a coaching approach: we combine inputs with reflection, discussion and the derivation of concrete impulses for change – so that your management team can confidently transfer the joint agreements into everyday working life. And last but not least, we create moving room settings that not only encourage cooperation, but are also a lot of fun.

1. The organization: Developing a leadership culture

By developing a leadership culture, we mean the creative effort of a leadership team to develop its own normative leadership model. Such models consist of guiding principles or values.

More important than the formulation is, on the one hand, the way to get there: from large group facilitation to learning journeys to other companies or the development of experimental laboratories for New Leadership; and, on the other hand, the way from there: the derivation of intelligent and unbureaucratic instruments that anchor the normative target model in everyday work and the distribution of focus resources (people, feedback, money, tools, etc.). Here, the focus is on questions of usefulness and connectivity, since culture as a “non-decidable decision premise” can only be changed with existing operations and successively.

We facilitate this process through intensive sparring, intelligent process architectures, the necessary stringency in the formulation of results and creative ideas for the derivation of anchor instruments.

2. Developing the management team

Based on the competencies and strategic objectives of your organization, we accompany your leadership team in the development of new perspectives, possibilities and options for action. Together with the leadership system, we create a learning path that usually deals with the following topics:

  1. Strategy work, as it decides on the program of the organization and also wants to be led in the functional areas.
  2. Organizational design, since it allows structured derivations from the strategic goal picture, without just repainting yesterday’s forms.
  3. Role and leadership understanding, since here a communitized perspective helps to avoid process cost losses due to ambiguities in the future.
  4. Conversational leadership and feedback, since communication, along with decisions, is the core of leadership work.
  5. Rule communication and agile methods, since many practical tools for efficient communication and decision-making can be derived from the new organizational forms.
  6. Change management, since from the family brewery to the international corporation, all organizations must constantly deal with change – internally or in the environment.
  7. Personality development, since strength-based leadership starts with each individual.
  8. Team development, since a leadership system can accomplish more than the sum of its individual leaders.
  9. Learning journeys, as it is worthwhile to look beyond one’s own nose and to expand one’s own scope of possibilities at other companies and to locate one’s own leadership practice.

3. Developing individual leadership skills

We support individuals or smaller groups when they take on management tasks as team leaders for the first time, when they enter the more strategic management functions as department or division heads and when working at C-level through individual one-to-one coaching and sparring.

At the beginning, we clarify the take-off point and the desired flight level and then work out a development path in a first session in co-creation, which we use as a guide in a process-oriented monthly working session. Here we reflect on current issues or medium to long-term personality phenomena, develop new perspectives and clear options for action, which can then be experimented with. Such individual development support is initially designed for one year and can optionally be extended by a further year or converted to an event-related pool of hours. The development of leadership skills differs from business coaching in that we work on the following topics, for example:

  1. What is organization and how does strategy work?
  2. What is leadership and why is it needed – and what does this mean for my role?
  3. What kind of leadership allows for effectiveness in my organization?
  4. How can issues that cannot be decided be decided?
  5. Communication is a difficult business.
  6. How can change be shaped and managed?
  7. Why is there conflict and what is my task as a manager?
  8. What makes employees tick – and what makes me tick?

Each learning path is tailored by us to the personality, the team or the organization along a clear systemic theory and thought models derived from it. We make a start in a free initial consultation:

Let’s talk!

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