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Developing organisational culture

We are convinced that culture is the central success factor of organizations. Volatile markets and uncertain future forecasts give it even more weight. A strong culture binds employees through the creation of meaning, coherence and motivation. And culture eats strategy for breakfast.


organization culture describes the set of behavioral and thinking habits in an organization. Culture has always been a result. It cannot be invented, but it can be developed consciously, attentively and methodically. This means: preserving functional habits and renewing dysfunctional ones. To renew a habit means not to follow a habit, but to establish a new one. The speed of this collective renewal process depends on the three factors intensity, novelty and repetition.


A consciously developed culture leads to clear situations, understanding cooperation, flatter and clearer hierarchies and long company affiliations. Clear rules and agreements are the prerequisites for experiencing effectiveness – and that is the central source of motivation for people at work.


We accompany your organizational development through specific interventions and materials that maximize intensity and repetition. We can orchestrate a systematic cultural diagnosis, a cultural architecture and a psychoactive and coherent cultural development process with cross-media support and specific materials and formats from a single source.

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